data processing agreementThis DATA PROCESSING AGREEMENT (”DPA”) is entered into on this day between: 1. Noan Technology Inc. (as defined in the Agreement); and 2. Subscriber (as defined in the Agreement); The above parties are hereinafter each referred to as a “Party” and jointly as the “Parties.”


1.1 The Parties have entered into an agreement under which Noan Technology Inc. grants Subscriber a limited subscription to use Noan Technology Inc.'s Services and other services (the “Agreement”).

1.2 This DPA shall be deemed to be part of the Agreement between the Parties. In case of any discrepancies between the Agreement and this DPA, the wording of this DPA shall prevail.

1.3 Parties understand and agree that Subscriber will use the Services provided by NOAN for all companies belonging to Subscriber (“Affiliates”) and that any Personal Data that is being processed can therefore belong to any of the Affiliates. Subscriber will act as a Controller on behalf of all Affiliates for the term of this Agreement. If any deviations are necessary due to mandatory legal requirements applicable on one of the Affiliates, Subscriber will provide instructions to Noan Technology Inc..

1.4 This DPA regulates Subscriber’s rights and obligations in its capacity as data controller as well as Noan Technology Inc.' rights and obligations in its capacity as data processor when Noan Technology Inc processes Personal Data on behalf of Subscriber under the Agreement.

1.5 Noan Technology Inc. agrees that it, at the time of concluding this DPA, has no reason to believe that the legislation applicable to it or its sub-processors, including in any country to which Personal Data is transferred either by itself or through a sub-processor, prevents it from fulfilling the instructions received from Subscriber and its obligations under the Standard Contractual Clauses. In the event of a change in this legislation which is likely to have a substantial adverse effect on the warranties and obligations provided by the Standard Contractual Clauses, Noan Technology Inc. agrees to notify the change to Subscriber as soon as it is aware, in which case Subscriber is entitled to suspend the transfer of data and / or terminate the Agreement.


2.1 Concepts, terms, and expressions in this DPA shall be interpreted in accordance with Applicable Data Protection Laws (“Applicable Data Protection Laws”).

2.2 Personal data (“Personal Data”) is limited to any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person that Noan Technology Inc. processes on behalf of and under the authority of Subscriber to provide the Services under this Agreement.

2.3 The term Applicable Data Protection Laws shall for the purpose of this DPA, and at any time during the term of this DPA, mean any nationally or internationally binding data protection laws, case law, and regulations, applicable within the European Union (the “EU”), the European Economic Area (“EEA”), including the EU General Data Protection Regulation (“GDPR”), Cal. Civ. Code §§ 1798.100 et seq., as amended, including by the California Privacy Rights Act of 2020 (the California Consumer Privacy Act) (“CCPA”), and applicable subordinate legislation and regulations implementing those laws.


The following appendices shall form part of the DPA:

  • Specification of data processing Appendix A

  • Pre-approved sub-processors Appendix B

  • Security measures Appendix C


4.1 Noan Technology Inc. undertakes to process Personal Data for the limited and specified business purpose set forth in this DPA and in Appendix A and in accordance with Subscriber’s written instructions, unless otherwise required by Applicable Data Protection Laws to which Noan Technology Inc. is subject. In the case of a deviation between Applicable Data Protection Law that is applicable to Subscriber and Noan Technology Inc., Noan Technology Inc. will inform Subscriber before Noan Technology Inc. starts processing Subscriber's Personal Data. The Subscriber’s instructions to Noan Technology Inc. regarding the subject-matter and duration of the processing, the nature and purpose of the processing, the type of Personal Data and categories of data subjects, and the rights and obligations of both Parties are set forth in this DPA and in Appendix A.

4.2 Processing Requirements: As data processor and a service provider, Noan Technology Inc. agrees to:

4.2.1 Comply with all Applicable Data Protection Laws, and where the CCPA or GDPR applies, in a manner that provides no less than the level of privacy protection required by the CCPA or GDPR;

4.2.2 Promptly inform you in writing if it cannot comply with the requirements of this DPA or Applicable Data Protection Laws;

4.2.3 Grant Subscriber the right to take reasonable and appropriate steps to stop and remediate unauthorized use of Personal Data upon notification of noncompliance with the requirements of this DPA or Applicable Data Protection Laws;

4.2.4 Cooperate with reasonable audits conducted by Subscriber, and at Subscriber’s request, make information available to demonstrate Noan Technology Inc.’ compliance with Applicable Data Protection Laws;

4.2.5 Not provide Subscriber with remuneration in exchange for Personal Data from Subscriber. The parties acknowledge and agree that Subscriber has not “sold” (as such term is defined by the CCPA & GDPR, whichever is applicable) Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc.;

4.2.6 Not “sell” (as such term is defined by the CCPA & GDPR, whichever is applicable) or “share” (as such term is defined by the CCPA & GDPR, whichever is applicable) Personal Data;

4.2.7 To the extent that Noan Technology Inc. receives de-identified data derived from Personal Data subject to the CCPA from Subscriber, Noan Technology Inc. shall (i) adopt reasonable measures to prevent such deidentified data from being used to infer information about, or otherwise being linked to, a particular natural person or household; (ii) publicly commit to process data only in a de-identified fashion and not attempt to re-identify data; and (iii) before sharing de-identified data with any other party, including sub-processors, contractually obligate any such recipients to comply with the requirements of this provision;

4.2.8 Where the Personal Data is subject to the CCPA, not (i) retain, use, disclose, or otherwise process Personal Data except as necessary for the business purposes specified in the Agreement or this DPA; (ii) retain, use, disclose, or otherwise process Personal Data in any manner outside of the direct business relationship between NOAN and Subscriber; or (iii) combine any Personal Data with Personal Data that NOAN receives from or on behalf of any other third party or collects from Noan Technology Inc.’s own interactions with individuals, provided that Noan Technology Inc. may so combine Personal Data for a purpose permitted under the CCPA if directed to do so by Subscriber or as otherwise permitted by the CCPA. In the event that contrary to the parties’ understanding, Noan Technology Inc. is considered a contractor under CCPA, Noan Technology Inc. certifies that it understands the restrictions in this Section

4.2.9 and will comply with such terms, and will permit Subscriber, subject to Noan Technology Inc.’ agreement, to monitor NOAN’s’ compliance with this DPA, including through manual reviews, automated scans, regular assessments, audits, and technical and operational testing at least once per year;

4.2.9 Noan Technology Inc. shall, without undue delay, inform Subscriber of any communication with the Data Protection Authority, other competent authority or third party that relates to or can be of interest for Noan Technology Inc.' processing of Personal Data under this DPA, and NOAN will provide reasonable assistance to Subscriber if Subscriber receives a request from such authority or is subject to a regulatory investigation;

4.2.10 Noan Technology Inc. shall assist Subscriber, through appropriate technical and organizational measures, with Subscriber’s compliance obligations to implement reasonable security procedures and practices appropriate to the nature of the Personal Data.


5.1 Subscriber represents, warrants, and covenants that it has and shall maintain throughout the term all necessary rights, consents, and authorizations to provide the Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc. and to authorize Noan Technology Inc. to use, disclose, retain and otherwise process that Personal Data as contemplated by this DPA, the Agreement and/or other processing instructions provided to Noan Technology Inc..

5.2 Subscriber shall comply with all Applicable Data Protection Laws.

5.3 Subscriber shall reasonably cooperate with Noan Technology Inc. to assist Noan Technology Inc. in performing any of its obligations with regard to any requests from Subscriber’s data subjects, including, without limitation by maintaining a record of which “user ID” or similar numbers that are related to which data subjects in order to facilitate individual rights requests.

5.4 Without limitation to the foregoing, Subscriber represents, warrants, and covenants that it shall only transfer Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc. using secure, reasonable, and appropriate mechanisms.

5.5 Subscriber shall not provide Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc. except through agreed mechanisms. For example, Subscriber shall not include Personal Data other than technical contact information, or in technical support tickets, transmit Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc. by email.

5.6 Subscriber shall not take any action that would (i) render the provision of Personal Data to Noan Technology Inc. a “sale” or a “share” under the CCPA; or (ii) render Noan Technology Inc. not a “service provider” under the CCPA.


6.1 Noan Technology Inc. undertakes not to, with the exception of sub-processors that have been approved by Subscriber in accordance with Section 7 below, without Subscriber’s prior written consent, disclose or otherwise make Personal Data processed under this DPA available to any third party, unless otherwise provided by applicable law, judicial, or administrative decision.

6.2 If data subjects, competent authorities or any other third parties request information from Noan Technology Inc. regarding the processing of Personal Data covered by this DPA, Noan Technology Inc shall refer such requests to Subscriber to the extent permissible under applicable law. Noan Technology Inc. may not in any way act on behalf of or as a representative of Subscriber and may not, without prior instructions from Subscriber, transfer or in any other way disclose Personal Data or any other information relating to the processing of Personal Data to any third party to the extent permissible under applicable law. In the event that Noan Technology Inc., according to Applicable Data Protection Laws or other applicable U.S. or European laws and regulations, is required to disclose Personal Data processed under this DPA, Noan Technology Inc. shall immediately inform Subscriber thereof and request confidentiality in conjunction with the disclosure of requested information.

6.3 With regards to requests for Personal Data from government authorities, Noan Technology Inc. requires an official, signed document issued pursuant to local law and rules. Specifically, Noan Technology Inc. requires a subpoena or equivalent before disclosing non-content, and only disclose content to law enforcement in response to a warrant (or its local equivalent). Noan Technology Inc.'s compliance team reviews government demands for customer data to ensure the requests are legally binding, rejects those that are not legally binding and only provides the data specified in the legal order.

6.4 For the purposes of clarification to this Section, lawful efforts do not include actions that would result in civil or criminal penalty such as contempt of court under the laws of the relevant jurisdiction:

● In the case that Noan Technology Inc. receives an order from any third party for compelled disclosure of any Personal Data that has been transferred under the Standard Contractual Clauses, Noan Technology Inc. will, where possible, redirect the third party to request data directly from Subscriber and provide a copy of the demand unless legally prohibited from doing so.

● In the case that Noan Technology Inc. receives an order from any third party for compelled disclosure of any Personal Data that has been transferred under the Standard Contractual Clauses, Noan will comply with any requests only to the extent required by applicable laws.

6.5 Noan Technology Inc. will not provide any third party:

(a) direct, indirect, blanket or unfettered access to any Personal Data;

(b) platform encryption keys used to secure Personal Data or the ability to break such encryption; or

(c) access to Personal Data if Noan Technology Inc. is aware that the data is to be used for purposes other than those stated in the third party’s request.


7.1 Noan Technology Inc. may engage sub-processors within and outside the EU/EEA and may transfer and in other ways process Personal Data outside the EU/EEA. Noan Technology Inc. shall ensure that sub-processors are bound by written agreements which impose on them the same data processing obligations as the obligations under this DPA in respect of data protection. Appendix B contains a complete list of its sub-processors that from the date of entry into force of this DPA have been pre-approved by Subscriber.

7.2 Noan Technology Inc. shall inform Subscribers of any new sub-processors by amending this Data Processing Agreement. Subscriber have the opportunity to object to such changes by emailing Such objections by Subscriber shall be based on grounds regarding the new sub-processor’s ability to comply with Applicable Data Protection Laws and be made in writing within thirty (30) days from receipt of the information. Noan Technology Inc. shall upon request provide Subscriber with all information that Subscriber may reasonably request to assess the proposed sub-processor’s ability to comply with Applicable Data Protection Laws. If Noan Technology Inc., despite Subscriber’s objection, wishes to engage the proposed sub-processor, Subscriber is entitled to terminate the Agreement at no extra cost.

7.3 If Personal Data is transferred to, or made available from, outside EU/EEA, Noan Technology Inc. shall ensure that the transfer is subject to an appropriate safeguard under Applicable Data Protection Laws, using Standard Contractual Clauses adopted by the European Commission or an adequacy decision from the European Commission. The Subscriber hereby authorizes Noan Technology Inc. to enter into such standard data protection clauses with sub-processors on behalf of Subscriber.

7.4 Noan Technology Inc. shall closely follow the development regarding the transfer of Personal Data outside the EU/EEA and, to the extent possible, implement any evolved requirements related to the transfer of Personal Data to a sub-processor, including the adoption of additional security measures and the conducting of all required risk assessments of privacy laws in jurisdiction where the sub-processor is located, to ensure that the Services and the use of the Services are compliant with Applicable Data Protection Laws.


8.1 Noan Technology Inc. shall assist Subscriber and fulfill its legal obligations regarding information security under Applicable Data Protection Laws. Noan Technology Inc. shall thereby take appropriate technical and organizational measures to maintain an adequate level of security for the protection of Personal Data. Noan Technology Inc. shall protect the Personal Data against accidental or unlawful destruction, loss, alteration, unauthorized disclosure of, or access to Personal Data transmitted, stored, or otherwise processed. The Personal Data shall also be protected against all other forms of unlawful processing.

8.2 Noan Technology Inc. shall be obliged to ensure that only such staff and other representatives of Noan Technology Inc. that directly require access to Personal Data in order to fulfill Noan Technology Inc.' obligations in accordance with this DPA have access to such information. Noan Technology Inc. shall ensure that all persons authorized to process the Personal Data have committed themselves to confidentiality or are under an appropriate statutory obligation of confidentiality, and that all persons authorized to process Personal Data have had sufficient and necessary training covering awareness of GDPR and data processing Agreements.


Noan Technology Inc. shall, insofar as it is possible and taking into account the nature of the processing, through technical and organizational measures assist Subscriber in responding to requests for exercising the data subject’s rights as laid down in Chapter III of the GDPR and in the CCPA, as applicable.

If Noan Technology Inc. receives a Data Subject Rights request, it will:

● Inform the data subject that it is not the controller of the information,

● Request that the data subject sends its request to the data controller,

● and forward the original request to Subscriber without undue delay.


10.1 Noan Technology Inc. shall without undue delay inform Subscriber after becoming aware of any Personal Data breach.

10.2 Noan Technology Inc. shall assist Subscriber with any information reasonably required to fulfill Subscriber’s data breach notification requirements under Applicable Data Protection Laws.


Noan Technology Inc. shall, taking into account the nature of the processing and the information available to Noan Technology Inc., assist Subscriber in fulfilling Subscriber’s obligation to, when applicable, carry out data protection impact assessments and prior consultations with the Data Protection Authority.


12.1 The Subscriber shall be entitled to take measures necessary, including site visits, to verify that Noan Technology Inc. is able to comply with its obligations under this DPA.

12.2 Noan Technology Inc. undertakes to make available to Subscriber all information and other assistance necessary to demonstrate compliance with the obligations laid down in this DPA and allow for and contribute to audits,conducted by Subscriber or another auditor mandated by Subscriber, provided that the individuals performing the audits enter into confidentiality agreements or are bound by statutory obligations of confidentiality.

12.3 Noan Technology Inc. shall immediately inform Subscriber if, in its opinion, an instruction provided to Noan Technology Inc. when Subscriber exercises its rights under this Section 12, infringes Applicable Data Protection Laws.




14.1 Before the expiration of this DPA, Noan Technology Inc. shall, at the choice of Subscriber, securely delete or return all Personal Data to Subscriber without undue delay, unless Applicable Data Protection Laws require Noan Technology Inc. to store the Personal Data.

14.2 If return or destruction is impracticable or incidentally prohibited by a valid legal order, Noan Technology Inc. shall take measures to inform Subscriber and block such Personal Data from any further processing (except to the extent necessary for its continued hosting or processing required by applicable law) and shall continue to appropriately protect the Personal Data remaining in its possession, custody, or control and, where any authorized sub-processor continues to possess Personal Data, require the authorized sub-processor to take the same measures that would be required of Noan Technology Inc..

14.3 Upon request by Subscriber, Noan Technology Inc. shall provide a written notice of the measures taken regarding the Personal Data upon completion of the processing as set out in Section 14.1 above.

14.4 Archival Copies: If Noan Technology Inc. is required by law to retain archival copies of Subscriber data for tax or similar regulatory purposes, Noan Technology Inc. shall (i) not use the archived information for any other purpose; and (ii) remain bound by its obligations under this agreement, including, but not limited to, its obligations to protect the information using appropriate safeguards and to notify Subscriber of any Security Incident involving the information.

14.5 Deletion Standard: All Subscriber data deleted by Noan Technology Inc. will be securely deleted using an industry-accepted practice designed to prevent data from being recovered using standard disk and file recovery utilities (e.g., secure overwriting, degaussing of magnetic media in an electromagnetic flux field of 5000+ GER, shredding, or mechanical disintegration). With respect to Subscriber data encrypted in compliance with this DPA, Noan Technology Inc. may delete data by permanently and securely deleting all copies of the encryption keys.


15.1 Any amendments to this DPA shall, in order to be valid, be agreed in writing and duly signed by authorized representatives of both Parties.

15.2 Notwithstanding Section 15.1 above, Subscriber is entitled to make updates to its written instructions regarding the processing set out in Appendix A to the extent required by Applicable Data Protection Laws.


Noan Technology Inc. shall be entitled to reasonable remuneration from Subscriber for any assistance in accordance with Section 10.2, 11, 12, and 14. Noan Technology Inc. shall also be entitled to reasonable remuneration for any additional costs that arise due to Subscriber having made amendments to its written instructions regarding the processing.


The liability provisions and limitations thereof set out in the Agreement shall apply to this DPA.


18.1 This DPA shall be governed by and construed in accordance with Delaware law.

18.2 Any dispute, controversy, or claim arising out of or in connection with this DPA, or the breach, termination, or invalidity thereof, shall be finally settled in accordance with the dispute resolution provision set out in the Agreement.



1.1 Short description of the service and the purposes of the processing

Noan Technology Inc. provides teams with web-based solutions for generating commercial strategy and creating content based on that strategy The Services include:

- a multi-user strategy generation tool with support for AI-powered content generation using large language models and, in the future, text-to-image models,

- personalized strategy recommendations based on the end-users’ business needs,

- admin features that allow end-users add seats, organnisation and users to their account, and manage users’ permissions Noan Technology Inc. shall process Personal Data on behalf of Subscriber for the purpose of providing a collaborative and personalized business-building experience.

1.2 Categories of Personal Data

● User: ○ Name ○ Email ○ Username ○ Password ○ Alphanumeric identifier ○ Access level and system role ○ Profile picture ○ Custom attributes from Subscriber’s pre-approved integrations

● Content: ○ Strategy content: user-submitted text, user-submitted data via .csv and .pdf file uploads ○ Search queries: end-user’s submitted queries ○ Third-party content: Content from Subscriber’s pre-approved integrations

● Performance: ○ Time spent ○ Completion data ○ Progress ○ API call data ○ Favorites

● Device: ○ Browser type ○ IP-address ○ Operating system ○ Location ○ Device type ○ MAC address

● Activity: ○ Event logs (e.g., action taken, event type, event location, timestamp, client UUID, user ID, and channel ID) ○ Cookies ○ Session information (e.g., frequency, average and actual duration, quantity, quality, network activity, and network connectivity) ○ Session facilitator/participant ID

● Support: ○ Troubleshooting subject ○ Problem description ○ Post-session feedback (score of 1-5 and free text) ○ User-supplied attachments (e.g., recordings, transcripts or screenshots, text, post-session feedback)

1.3 Categories of data subjects

Noan Technology Inc. will process Personal Data regarding Subscriber’s end-users of the Services, which includes the following categories of data subjects:

● Natural persons who are authorized to administer and use the Services: ○ Subscriber’s employees ○ Subscriber’s third-parties, such as contractors, consultants, advisors ○ Subscriber’s customers

1.4 Processing operations

Noan Technology Inc. will collect, store, organize, and analyze the Personal Data for the purpose indicated above, as included in the Agreement and in accordance with instructions of Subscriber.

1.5 Location of processing operations as specified in Appendix B.


For each sub-processor that we use, we apply the principles of least privilege. This means that each third-party system shall only have access to the minimum data required to fulfill its Purpose.

SUBPROCESSORPURPOSEData categories processed Location of processing Legal entity
Amazon AWS
Cloud storage
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
Amazon Web Services Inc. 410 Terry Avenue North, Seattle, WA 98109-5210,
Cloud database storage & authorization
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
Singapore, 970 Toa Payoh N, #07-04, Singapore
Netlify, San Francisco, 44 Montgomery St STE 300, United States
Marketing website
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior)
Storyblok GmbH Peter-Behrens-Platz 2 Bau 2, 2. Stock Linz, Oberösterreich 4020 Austria
Marketing website
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
8 Clarkson St New York, NY 10014, USA
Payment provider
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, billing address, Location – country, territory, city, Payment – credit card details, subscription duration, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
South San Francisco, 354 Oyster Point Blvd, United States
LLM for content generation
San Francisco, 3180 18th St, United States
Anthropic AI
LLM for content generation
Anthropic PBC. 548 Market Street, PMB 90375 San Francisco CA 94104
Perplexity AI
LLM for content generation
341 Moultrie Street San Francisco, CA 94110 United States
Application monitoring
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
San Francisco, 45 Fremont Street, United States
Application monitoring
Identifying – name, username, Computer device – IP address, MAC address, browser footprint, Contact – email address, Location – country, territory, city, Behavioral – product usage (page views, clicks, browsing behavior).
2261 Market St #4008, San Francisco, United States


NOAN is an AI-powered business building platform for small businesses.

Our obligations to Subscriber are to ensure a continuous high quality delivery of our services, built on the highest level of security and resilience. We use the latest technology to make sure our infrastructure is reliable, and Subscriber data is protected.

Just as we put hard work into our product, we also put the same energy and enthusiasm into our security practices.

This document describes the technical and organizational security measures and controls implemented by Noan Technology Inc. to protect Personal Data and ensure the ongoing confidentiality, integrity and availability of Noan Technology Inc.' products and services. More details on the measures we implement are available upon request.

Noan Technology Inc. reserves the right to revise these technical and organizational measures at any time, without notice, so long as any such revisions will not materially reduce or weaken the protection provided for Personal Data that Noan Technology Inc. processes in providing its products and services.

How NOAN works: NOAN is a web-based AI-powered strategy development and business building platform. The platform is an all-in-one place for teams to build, share, and collaborate on go-to-market strategy. With NOAN, our users rapidly accelerate their ability to take a product or service to market digitally by using AI as a copilot to build and develop their brand.


Noan Technology Inc. engages carefully vetted sub-processors for specific purposes to enhance NOAN for our Subscribers. For a list of sub-processors, please see Appendix B Pre-approved Sub-processors.

Business continuity management

Data backup is one of the pillars of Noan Technology Inc.' IT continuity plan. Trained personnel manage and follow up on backup execution to ensure the integrity, confidentiality, and accuracy of the backup data. Backups are taken daily. Personal Data is kept in backups for the first 10 days of the backup time, after which all Personal Data is scrubbed from the backup, and the scrubbed backup is stored indefinitely. Another pillar is the IT and management processes and routines that are carried out when a serious incident occurs. Noan Technology Inc. continually works on keeping processes and routines updated.

Noan Technology Inc. has a high degree of digitization and all the services and tools are digitally accessible remotely. As a result, all employees of Noan Technology Inc.' offices work remotely, insulating us from any potential business continuity risk that would be posed by having a single site office.

Supplier relationship management

Noan Technology Inc. ensures that identified security requirements are met by external suppliers during the procurement process. A contract with a chosen supplier addresses the demands on the supplier's IT environment and information security measures. The supplier shall present and account for their technology, routines, and processes as well as IT and information security policies. Non-disclosure agreements and other relevant regulatory agreements are signed by the supplier before the service is taken into service. Noan Technology Inc. conducts regular control of suppliers' access rights and other aspects of the agreement with the supplier. Suppliers agree to carry out assignments in accordance with the provisions specified in applicable laws and regulations in the country where the assignments are performed.

System access control

Measures that prevent unauthorized persons from using IT systems and processes:

● When provisioning access, Noan Technology Inc. adheres to the principle of least privilege and role-based permissions — meaning our employees are only authorized to access data that they reasonably must handle in order to fulfill their job responsibilities.

● Noan Technology Inc. utilizes multi-factor authentication for access to systems with highly confidential data, including our production environment which houses Personal Data. Physical access control Measures to prevent physical access of unauthorized persons to IT systems that handle Personal We Data:

● Noan Technology Inc. partners with industry-leading data center and cloud infrastructure providers. Access to all data centers is strictly controlled. All data centers are equipped with 24x7x365 surveillance and biometric access control systems. Additionally, all providers are ISO27001, ISO27017, ISO27018, SOC2 Type II, PCI DSS, and CSA STAR certified.

● Data centers are equipped with at least N+1 redundancy for power, networking, and cooling infrastructure.

Data access control

Measures to ensure that persons authorized to use NOAN have access only to the Personal Data pursuant to their access rights:

● Noan Technology Inc. utilizes the zxcvbn-estimator to validate passwords and only ensures strong passwords are used by users.

● Recovery of lost passwords is done by requesting a signed link to the user’s email account — no passwords are sent in plain text over email, chat, phone, or any other communication method.

● Noan Technology Inc. ensures passwords are hashed (and salted) securely using industry-standard best practices, and upon Subscriber request, requires single sign-on (SSO) powered by SAML 2.0, for secure user authentication.

● Noan Technology Inc. uses best-practice tools for vulnerability scanning, malicious activity detection, and blocks suspicious behavior automatically.

● Noan Technology Inc. utilizes firewalls to segregate unwanted traffic from entering the network. A DMZ is utilized using firewalls to further protect internal systems protecting sensitive data.

Transmission access control

Measures to ensure that Personal Data cannot be read, copied, altered, or deleted by unauthorized persons during electronic transmission or during transport or storage on data media and that those areas can be controlled and identified where transmission of Personal Data is to be done via data transmission systems:

● Subscriber data at rest is encrypted with AES-128 and AES-256, and data in transit is encrypted with TLS 1.2.

● Noan Technology Inc. attests that the key for the encryption (for data in rest and data in transit) is kept within the EU.

Entry control

Measures to ensure that it can be subsequently reviewed and determined if and from whom Personal Data was entered, altered, or deleted in the IT system:

● Systems are monitored for security events to ensure quick resolution.

● Logs are centrally stored and indexed. Critical logs, such as security logs, are retained for at least 2 months. Logs can be traced back to individual unique usernames with timestamps to investigate nonconformities or security events. Availability control Measures to ensure that Personal Data are protected against accidental destruction or loss:

● Noan Technology Inc. saves a full backup copy of production data daily to ensure rapid recovery in the event of a large-scale disaster. Incremental/point-in-time recovery is available for all primary databases. Backups are encrypted-in-transit and at rest using strong encryption.

● Noan Technology Inc.'s patch management process ensures that systems are patched at least once every month. Monitoring, alerting, and routine vulnerability scanning occurs to ensure that all product infrastructure is patched consistently.

● When necessary, Noan Technology Inc. patches infrastructure in an expedited manner in response to the disclosure of critical vulnerabilities to ensure system uptime is preserved.

● Subscriber environments are logically separated at all times. Subscribers are not able to access accounts other than those given authorization credentials.

Separation control

Measures to ensure that Personal Data collected for different purposes can be processed separately:

● Noan Technology Inc. employs different data processing systems for different purposes. These systems are architecturally (logical and physically) separated. All systems require valid authorization to be accessed.

● To ensure against the unintentional amalgamation of data, Noan Technology Inc. separates development, testing, staging, and production environments.

Risk management

Measures to ensure that the appropriate risk management and security risk management in place include but are not limited to:

● Noan Technology Inc. conducts periodic reviews and assessments of risks, monitoring and maintaining compliance with Noan Technology Inc.' policies and procedures.

● Noan Technology Inc. ensures periodic, effective reporting of information security conditions and compliance to senior internal management. Operations security

Measures to ensure that the appropriate operations security safeguarding against malicious code in place include but are not limited to:

● Noan Technology Inc. has different systems and methods to protect the IT infrastructure against malicious code, including various antivirus scanners, spam filters, security updates, and training.

● Noan Technology Inc. uses active monitoring to ensure that antivirus scanners and spam filters are active and updated.

● Noan Technology Inc. actively installs the latest security updates on systems and applications to minimize the risk for exploitation of vulnerabilities.

● Noan Technology Inc., as part of basic training, ensures all employees and contractors take periodic training covering the identification of malicious code.

Measures to ensure that the appropriate operations security safeguarding email in place include but are not limited to:

● Noan Technology Inc. utilizes world-class email security to protect all inbound and outbound emails from malware.

● Noan Technology Inc. leverages email spam filtering services to guard against spam, virus, and phishing attacks.

● Employees of Noan Technology Inc. immediately notify staff of email identified as infected or harmful and ensure that the email sender is blocked and quarantined. The verification and assessment of whether an email is malicious or not is automated and based on the rules but rather based on the competency of each Noan Technology Inc. employee — educated on a periodic basis to identify harmful emails.

Security regarding personnel

Measure to ensure that Noan Technology Inc.' personnel comply with the laws and regulations of the country, and ensuring that personnel abides by the relevant terms and conditions of supplier and customer agreements:

● Noan Technology Inc.' personnel are required to conduct themselves in a manner consistent with the company’s guidelines regarding confidentiality, business ethics, appropriate usage, and professional standards. Noan Technology Inc. conducts reasonably appropriate background checks to the extent legally permissible and in accordance with applicable local labor law and statutory regulations.

● Personnel are required to execute a confidentiality agreement and must acknowledge receipt of, and compliance with, Noan Technology Inc.' confidentiality and privacy policies. Personnel is provided with security training. Noan Technology Inc.' personnel will not process customer data without authorization.

Retention of Personal Data

During the term of the DPA, the Personal Data processed by Noan Technology Inc. will be subject to the retention requirements instructed from time to time by Subscriber. After the termination or expiration of the DPA, Section 13 of the DPA shall apply.